You are the Visionary and are most skilled in the element of Tact, which is the practice of delivery. While we all have a bit of each archetype in us, we have a dominant skill that determines our type.
This means you understand what motivates your employees, and you know how to "package" information in a way that inspires them (or at the very least gets the job done). You understand the art of persuasion and how to facilitate change in this manner while still being genuine and maintaining integrity. By offering this skillset, you cultivate trust, and your employees know you will safely guide them and provide them with the "why" they need to take the next steps. Your colleagues come to you to help them with "language" and often ask you, "how do I say this?". You often take this skill set for granted because words and messaging come to you with such ease.
There's a good chance that you enjoy implementing system changes (that you agree with and will enhance client care) as it allows you to be innovative, inspire, and influence your employees to enhance their professional development. Thank you for inspiring us. Thank you for knowing just what to say and when to say it; we can learn a lot from you.
Are you looking to elevate your leadership development? As the Visionary, we encourage you to learn more about the elements of Transparency and Repair of the Cultivate TRUST framework. Access the Full Report below if you want a deep and detailed understanding of your relational patterns and leadership style.
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Results don't resonate? Most likely, you answered according to how you think you SHOULD be as a leader versus your innate leadership instincts and strengths. Retake the assessment (here), but this time answer what's true for you, not what you think is the "right" answer. While we all have a bit of each archetype in us, we have a dominant skill that determines our type.
Or read about all 5 Leadership Archetypes (here). There is not one “right” way to be a leader. Your employees benefit from what you uniquely have to offer. We created the 5 Leadership Archetypes to reflect the 5 unique patterns leaders demonstrate to cultivate a culture of TRUST. Your archetype helps you understand yourself in relation to your employees. We know that a culture of TRUST can only be cultivated through the quality of relationship between the employer and employee.